Welcome To Texas Shootout Results
Read the feature story by USAWaterpolo.org.
Congrats to all the clubs, teams, coaches, athletes, and parents who participated at the Welcome to Texas Shootout this past weekend in San Antonio at the NISD Swim Center. Additionally, a VERY BIG thank you to the referees who were out under the sun along with all the teams. Northside ISD and San Antonio Sports did a tremendous job hosting the tournament, welcoming all the participants, providing all the table workers/supervisors, hospitality, volunteers, etc. USA Water Polo hopes to continue the event in San Antonio moving forward and eventually getting up to 75 total teams at the tournament (NISD Swim Center will have two additional courses available next year). This is only the beginning to making the Welcome to Texas Shootout the premier event outside of California which will only attract more and more out of state teams for years to come. Below is a link to all of the tournament final results/standings.
Welcome to Texas Shootout – Final Results/Standings – 2019 (Google Sheets Link, click here)
Alamo Sports Photography (click here): Please go to this website to view and purchase action/team photos from both Saturday and Sunday (including pics of all the award winners).